If you have to make some adjustments just to develop a successful website redesign traffic, we are telling you that it ain’t as easy as a piece of cake. You need to consider a lot of things first before going into the actual process. If it is such a complex act to do, how can we carry out our task efficiently without having to experience an SEO disaster?
What must we do in order to successfully redesign our website? Are there any specific steps to take just to accomplish a successful website redesign traffic? What else can we do to avoid mishaps in reaching our goals for the betterment of our website up to its maximum potential?

In order to prevent SEO catastrophes from happening while boosting your website redesign traffic, let’s look at the best practices that we can take:
- Before you get into so much action, carefully think about the reasons why you need a website redesign. You must realize first and understand why it is necessary to carry out a redesign or migration of your website.
- If your efforts for a website redesign is for a certain company, you must set the client or stakeholder expectations early on.
- You need to perform an SEO Split test for all your ideas before you ever implement it to the new site. This is a vital step so that you can picture out what will work and what will most likely fail.
- No matter how big or small the changes you may take, you need to crawl your previous site and keep hold of your logs so as to have a better understanding of your site structure and vital information such as metadata and URLs.
- Never ever try to change your URL structure so that it won’t be hard for Google to try to understand your new site or re-crawl every single page of your updated website.
- Try to keep your content on the same URLs in order to ensure that you are able to redirect URLs to the new ones with ease.
- Consider reviewing all your chains so that you can guarantee a success on your redirect chains and avoid any possible mishaps.
- Avoid expensive mistakes by making sure that your staging site is not indexed by Google.
- Check out and maintain focus on your internal links so that they remain updated and all lead to the right pages that you intended.
- A complete checklist is what you need if you are a migrating site. You need to have a strategic plan and road map in order to carry out a migration.
- Tiny but frequent and quality changes to your content are essential rather than taking huge leaps and enormous changes to your content.
- With everyone hooked on mobile, it is better to prioritize having optimization for your site that works even on mobile.
There are other items to consider when it comes to doing the best practices to avoid SEO catastrophes in website redesign traffic. However, if you know the basics such as those mentioned above, you are definitely set to succeed in the endeavors that you do just to optimize your site and create better opportunities for your business.