Exposure in social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are very important especially if you want your business to succeed or you want to advance in your career. So, how important is LinkedIn in your professional career? What are the benefits of using LinkedIn in business?
Did you know that LinkedIn has been around the internet long before Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram went trending? But it’s more relevant now than ever since it is a social media platform for professionals.

That is because LinkedIn is a professional social media network. This is a social media platform where users actually create profiles that tend to highlight their current and prior work experience. You can even upload your portfolio, resumes, connect with your colleagues, classmates and also build a network that can help you find work, partnership, and even advance in your career.
Why use LinkedIn? Here are the top reasons why you need to start using LinkedIn:
1. LinkedIn Can Help You Build Your Brand Companies need to build their brands and this is why you should too! Whether or not it is for your business or for your career, it’s very important for you to build your professional brand on the internet.
2. LinkedIn Can Help Your Rankings on Search Engines Have you ever tried to find your name on Google? Well, now is the time to see what comes out on Google! The thing is, people, especially employers will look for professionals online, so you need to know what comes out when people search for your name. LinkedIn is such an important networking tool.
3. LinkedIn Helps You Maintain Contacts It seems like it is hard to remember the names of the people you meet in seminars and trainings without a bunch of business cards in your table. You can add these people right away on LinkedIn right after you meet them.
If you were wondering how important LinkedIn could actually be, then hopefully we have convinced you that it is one of the most powerful professional tools that businesses and employees could use.
The great news that it is also free! So, there you go, we hope that we have given you enough reasons to use LinkedIn for business!