Ever since technology was invented, it had a lot of positive and negative impacts on people’s lives. People rely on technology now so much that even business owners bring their company online to make money but how do they make revenue online? Do you already have your own website? There are different types of websites that make money to help you start your own profitable site; but of course, it’s important to consider which business would suit you the most to lessen the risk of a mishandled business. This article contains five different kinds of website to help and give you ideas when starting your own site.
Below are five types of websites that make money and sites that are related to each category to give you ideas on how to run them.

- e-Commerce
An e-commerce uses the internet as an alternative for a physical store. All the buying, selling, trading of goods, services and transactions are done online. According to Toppr, the global retail of e-commerce could reach up to $27 trillion in 2020 and is one of the fastest growing industry in the global economy. A famous website example of an e-commerce is amazon and E-bay.
- Blog
Creating your own blog or personal website is also another way to gain income just by writing. This is very convenient if you have a passion for writing and want to express yourself through words. Tumblr is an example of a blog platform where you can get and read different thoughts and ideas. You can write about a specific topic on your site to target audiences that are interested to read regarding your concept. Greatist and Nerd Fitness are blog sites that both write about health and fitness.
- Film and Movie Reviews
There are different films that have been released and movie lovers often search for the feedbacks and reviews on each movie they are interested to watch. As per Work Chron, professional movie critics could earn up to $80,000 annually. IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes are examples of a movie review site.
- Question and Answer website
This website is very informative and useful for people who needs advices and answers on a particular topic or question. It allows millions of users to ask and answer questions on the online forum. WikiAnswers and Yahoo! Answers are the best website examples.
- Niche Website
The last type of website that make money is a niche website. A niche website; as explained in quora.com is a site that focuses on a narrow group of people in a larger market with a common specific interest and has the potential to earn at least $200 to $4,000 per month as stated in incomeschool.com. 10Beasts.com and bestreviews.com are websites that you can visit to know more about niche sites.
It is important to know which suits you and your passion the most and what audience would you like to target. The key to a successful web business is your passion for success. There are inevitable risks that you must carefully assess to avoid it such as lack of audience and low traffic levels. You may fail at your first try but this is where you will learn and should motivate you to strive harder. Choose the right website from these types of websites that make money for you to start earning!