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Social Media Marketing 2020: Digital Marketing Strategy uses Social Media for Newspapers

The evolution of the internet in the modern world had an effect on people’s lifestyle and aspects. We can see a lot of people in the streets with their eyes glued on their smartphones and some of them might be reading news articles online. How does this digital marketing strategy for newspapers affect the industry? The printed newspaper sales have been declining ever since people start relying on online news articles, but how do newspaper companies use social media to save their industry? Although physical newspapers are still being used, it still needs to adapt and embrace digital formats if it wants to survive in the digital age.

What is an effective digital marketing strategy for newspapers? Listed below are ways newspapers can do to make use of the internet and social media to gain revenue. As per Mashable, these strategies would help newspaper thrive in the online world rather than succumbing for not being able to cope up with the digital age.

  1. Twitter

You should use twitter to create a connection with your readers and engage a conversation with them. By doing this, you might gather a story to publish because your readers are a good source for information. This social media platform is being used to get notified on what is going on so if anything arises, every one can quickly get a statement. Creating a twitter handle is also considered as an extension for your brand.

  • Online presence and print presence

There should always be a difference between the two. Your print presence should not be similar to how you present your brand online. A different and unique approach on each strategy is a must because it is not the same medium and it has different strengths. Always stay unique on how you present your brand both online and offline; because this keeps your readers interested on your articles.

  • Gather ideas on how to attract your readers

Another digital marketing strategy for newspapers is to gather ideas on how they can make their loyal readers interested on their articles and to lure new readers to read on your works. An example would be creating an online event like using a celebrity to read your article and have them promote it online. The more popular the person is, the more effective it would be. Always coming up with unique ideas and different plans to gather audience for your brand would give you so much traffic, it would lag your competitors.

Social media can help newspapers save the industry by social journalism. The internet does not limit the ability of newspapers to generate income and revenue as long as it can cope up with the digital age by coming up with effective strategies. The digital marketing strategy for newspapers should be planned carefully and laid successfully to prevent complications since most newspapers still hasn’t figured out how to make money online. The internet isn’t a hindrance for newspapers to gain sales; in fact, it will help the newspaper industry gain more to keep the legacy of the industry.

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