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Mobile SEO

Mobile SEO: 9 Ways to Optimize for Mobile-friendly SEO

If your goal is to make mobile users engage with your website, then investing in mobile SEO is the strategy you should opt for. Mobile search engine optimization according to WebFX, is the process of optimizing your site to rank better in search results and keep mobile leads on your page. Most people spend their time using their mobile phones so they’ll most likely come back to websites that are mobile-friendly.

Here are nine ways you can follow if you’re already considering mobile SEO.

  1. Website loading time

A fast loading webpage is what your visitors will first notice once they visit your website. If your webpage takes too long to respond, then your visitors will probably choose among your competitors that are mobile-friendly. Your page speed plays a vital role when it comes to mobile SEO.

  • Integrate responsive design

Your website can’t be mobile-friendly unless it has a responsive design. By integrating responsive design, your users can easily browse on your website.

  • Prioritize user experience

Make sure that the elements in your website which may look different on mobile phones are taken care of. Font sizes for example, may be readable on desktop view but are smaller on mobile view because of the size so make sure that the fonts aren’t too big or too small.

  • Pop-ups

Users may find pop-ups annoying especially if they occupy the whole screen so make sure that there is an x button they can click to remove it. If pop-ups are unnecessary, then the best solution is to get rid of it.

People use local SEO to search for local businesses near them to avail their products and services so make sure to optimize your local. Using local keywords can help you adapt for local searches.

  • Navigation bar

The navigation bar should be simple and easy to use because it helps in guiding the users to access and see information they’re looking for.

  • Title tags and meta description

Since audiences always want a fast and easy way of getting information, they will most likely look at the title tags where the keywords will appear in front. The meta description is placed and seen under the title tags which provide the audience more information needed.

  • Mobile URL

A mobile URL helps the user access your website with a version designed for mobile devices. A separate mobile URL will help them have easier mobile access to your site.

  • Mobile contents

Create contents intended for mobile users by making it easy to scroll through. You can also add pictures and videos to make it lively.

Considering mobile SEO is another way of gaining business success online. With the amount of people using their mobile phones to browse the internet, it is no doubt that you’re losing potential customers if your site isn’t mobile-friendly. You’ll be able to provide a positive website experience for your audience once you allow them to access your website on mobile.

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