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online store 2020

Best Tips to Start an Online Store in 2020

Knowing that there are 4.78 Billion smartphoneusers all over the world, we are looking at 61.62% of the entire globalpopulation that are connected on the internet. This is why opening an onlinestore in 2020 is one of the best things that you can accomplish. 

If you haven’t figured it out yet, 63% or muchmore than half of the total shopping occasions begin within online platforms! This is exactly why itis best to have an online store in 2020 as stated by Thinkwithgoogle.The next question remains, how do you kick off an online store in 2020?

online store 2020, ecommerce store 2020
Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay 

You may think that launching an online store in 2020 is a piece of cake. But the harsh reality is that it’s more complex if you don’t know the correct strategies. Since you’ve shown interest by reading this article, we’ll provide you with the best tactics that’ll drive your first sale via your online store:


  1. Before literally doing anything else such as getting the color scheme, logo, or theme of your store, you must decide on a marketing strategy that you need to implement first. This step should never be taken for granted because it will determine the success or failure of your business. It’s not such a great challenge to do, but you must think about it thoroughly before proceeding on to the next steps. You may choose whether to go for SEO, platform marketing, or even paid marketing.
  2. Probably the most important aspect of your decision making process is finding the perfect product niche that will best fit you. Proper research should be done before deciding on a category. Because this isn’t something that you can just set aside if you are not feeling it anymore, like getting a new hobby. You need to ensure yourself that you’re starting an online store in 2020 that will thrive for years.
  3. Choose a name for your business or brand. With the overwhelming number of online stores worldwide, it gets really disappointing to pick your unique identity when everyone else has already owned and chosen almost every brand name there is on the planet. Luckily, the best way to come up with a name is via a checklist such as easy spelling, 3 words or less, relevance to your product, and most importantly, it should not have any trademark conflicts.
  4. Establish and launch your online store. Of course after careful planning, you’re ready to develop your online store for 2020 by building your website. You may utilize tools that are essentially user friendly and at the same time available in a rate that’s reasonable for your budget. 
  5. Initially do a trial run then build up a marketing plan to scale your business. It would not hurt to try to run your online store for at least two months and have a backup plan in case everything goes south. If on the other hand, everything is doing well, it is time to monitor, track, and scale your business in preparation for a wider network of consumers and more traffic to drive in more sales.

Other experts may suggest more techniques instarting your own online store in 2020. However, the difference lies inunderstanding and putting into practice what you discovered from the steps thatwe shared. Because in the end, the success of your online store in 2020will depend on your efforts and how you handle all the bumps and ditches thatcome along your way.

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